AnyChart Flash Map Converter

AnyChart Map Converter utility is designed to convert ESRI ShapeFiles (*.shp) into the special AMAP format for using in the geo map module of AnyChart Flash Component - AnyMap. AnyChart users are not limited with default set of maps delivered with AnyChart component distribution package. The flexible and intuitively clear interface of AnyChart Map Converter utility provides a wide range of functions to obtain the required result:

AnyChart Map Converter features:

  • Smart boundaries simplification to reduce output file size
  • Polygons aggregation in groups by fields of data table
  • Ability to include any number of data columns
  • Ability to add any number of index columns
  • Selection of default geographic projection
  • Ability to use a command-line utility for batch conversion or to automate conversion process
  • Easy-to-use group label location editing

This utility is distributed for free.

Please Download AnyChart Map Converter

This product is designed for Windows platforms and requires .NET Framwork 3.5 installed.

If you'd like to know more about AnyChart Map Converter - please study AnyChart Map Converter Tutorial.

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