Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category

AnyChart GraphJam: Lord of the Rings 3D Column Chart

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Among numerous chart types that AnyChart allows creating there are 3D Column Charts. Using this tool, we have made our version of a GraphJam chart that wittily mocks the good old Lord of the Rings trilogy:

To check out other examples of 3D Column Charts, visit 3D Column Charts section in AnyChart charts gallery.

AnyChart GraphJam: Ninja Turtles 3D Pie Chart

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Charts make people not only understand numbers, but also laugh.

GraphJam is a website showing music and popular culture in funny charts and graphs created by users. These charts can be viewed as a form of modern Internet folklore - signed by nicknames, they are half anonymous, and most witty ones are often reposted by other users in blogs and social networks, which resembles the way folklore spreads.

The fact that charts can be used in such an unexpected and curious way truly inspires us. And it was difficult to stay aside, not trying to apply here AnyChart’s vast capabilities and make some especially interesting items posted at GraphJam even more expressive.

All our charts are fully configurable and nice-looking, so they show the best advantage of any information, including even jokes. One of the many types supported by AnyChart is a 3D Pie Chart, and this is our version of a GraphJam 3D Pie Chart:

To check out other examples of Pie and Donut Charts, visit our gallery.

We will be posting more charts from GraphJam created by AnyChart.

AnyChart 4.1.1 - new version with the significant perfomance improvement

Monday, November 5th, 2007

Today AnyChart programmers have released the new version - 4.1.1 with one very exciting improvement - the performance while loading the data. They say that some research work in the area of nanotechnology and the latest results in CPU engineering were involved ;) and here it is -

Some tests with huge data sets show the improvement in 30 times - awesome! Now it is very fast!

Yes - I believe in nanotechnology and that words about CPU engineering, but I still think that we deal with some black magic here. :)

Of course it is a joke about nanotechnology, actually a lot of work was done to optimize the processing of data and tuning the loading of XML and we’ve got the result. I’m sure AnyChart users would appreciate that and like the new release.