Archive for December, 2012

Holiday Greetings

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012

Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to all our customers and friends around the world and thank you for your support.

AnyChart keeps moving forward - this year we have significantly improved our HTML5/JavaScript engine, making it almost as functional as the Flash version, introduced seven releases, implemented a number new features, and successfully survived the end of the world. The circle of our customers has widened: here is only a small part of them - those who agreed to make success stories with us.

According to statistics, 75% of resolutions made by Americans are maintained during the first week of the new year, past two weeks - 71%, after one month - 64%, and after 6 months - only 46%:

AnyChart’s resolution is to continuously refine our products and provide the best support. We are sure to hold out the whole year :)