 ITechIndicatorInfo The ITechIndicatorInfo interface defines the basic interface of all Technical Indicators information classes.
 AroonTechIndicatorInfo AroonTechIndicatorInfo class represents an object with Aroon info.
 DMITechIndicatorInfo DMITechIndicatorInfo class represents an object with DMI info.
 KeltnerChannelsTechIndicatorInfo KeltnerChannelsTechIndicatorInfo class represents an object with Keltner Channels (KeltnerChannels) info.
 MACDTechIndicatorInfo MACDTechIndicatorInfo class represent an object that contains Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) info.
 SingleSeriesTechIndicatorInfo SingleSeriesTechIndicatorInfo represents an object that contains technical indicator info.
 StochasticOscillatorTechIndicatorInfo StochasticOscillatorTechIndicatorInfo class represent an object with Stochastic Oscillator (Fast,Slow) info.
 TRIXTechIndicatorInfo TRIXTechIndicatorInfo class represents an object of TRIX indicator info.
 TwoSeriesTechIndicatorInfo TwoSeriesTechIndicatorInfo represents an object that contains technical indicator info.
 VolumeMATechIndicatorInfo VolumeMATechIndicatorInfo class represents an object Volume + MA info.