Custom Axes Labels


Custom axes labels are useful when you want to place custom texts or description with or instead of axes values labels.

You can add custom labels to any axis, both x axis, y axis and additional axes.

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Adding custom label

These custom labels are just Custom Axes Lines with disabled lines.

To add custom label you need to create <axis_markers> subnode in certain axis node (for example <y_axis>) and add <lines> subnode in it. Each custom label is configured in <line> subnode of <lines>, just set the opacity attribute to "0":

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <y_axis>
02   <axis_markers>
03     <lines>
04       <line value="100" opacity="0">
05         <label>
06           <format><![CDATA[Custom 100 Label]]></format>
07         </label>
08       </line>
09       <line value="50" opacity="0">
10         <label>
11           <format><![CDATA[Good]]></format>
12         </label>
13       </line>
14     </lines>
15   </axis_markers>
16 </y_axis>

Sample below shows several variants of Custom Labels usage: marking up values (High, Low), describing values (Historical Maximum) and marking only selected values on certain axis (8.00).

Live Sample:  Sample Custom Axes Labels

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Configuring label

You can configure label placement, font and text of any custom line.

In <format> you can use {%Value} keyword ({%StartValue} and {%EndValue} for inclined lines). When start_value and end_value are set {%Value} keyword returns an arithmetic mean.

Label placement is controlled using position attribute of <label> node, possible position values are: "Axis", "Near", "Center", "Far","BeforeAxisLabels" and "AfterAxisLabels".

Sample XML for labels formatting:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <line value="9000" opacity="0">
02   <label enabled="true" position="Far">
03     <font color="green" bold="True" />
04     <background enabled="true">
05       <fill color="White" />
06       <border enabled="true" color="Green" />
07     </background>
08     <format><![CDATA[Far]]></format>
09   </label>
10 </line>

In the sample below you can see different label positions and text formatting:

Live Sample:  Sample Custom Axes Labels Formatting


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