Zooming and Scrolling


All X / Y Axes based charts (Bar, Line, Area, Candlestick, OHLC, Combinations, etc.) can have Axes with scroll bar. Robust, configurable scroll controls with the ability of external JS or Flex control.

There are two notes aboutr the current version: 3D charts and Logarithmic Axes can't be scrollable.

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Turning Zoom and Scroll On/Off

Scroll is controlled for each axis in <zoom> node:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <axes>
02   <scroll_bar_settings>
03     <vert_scroll_bar />
04     <horz_scroll_bar />
05   </scroll_bar_settings>
06   <y_axis>
07     <zoom enabled="" show_scroll_bar="" start="" end="" visible_range="" visible_range_unit="" />
08   </y_axis>
09   <x_axis>
10     <zoom />
11   </x_axis>
12 </axes>

All these attrubutes are not used together, the set differs for Categorized Charts, for Linear Axes and Datetime axes.

Categorized axis

For categorized charts you can set the starting index and either number of categories to show, or the ending category:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <x_axis>
02   <zoom enabled="true" inside="true" start="2.5" visible_range="4" />
03 </x_axis>

This is a sample of bar chart with such settings:

Live Sample:  zoom and scroll basics category

Linear Axes

For linear axes you can set the starting value and either the range to show or ending value:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <y_axis>
02   <zoom enabled="true" inside="true" start="65" end="95" />
03 </y_axis>

This is a sample of bar chart and Y Axis scrollable with such settings:

Live Sample:  zoom and scroll basics linear

And this is a sample of scatter X/Y line with X Axis made scrollable:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <x_axis>
02   <zoom enabled="true" inside="true" start="65" end="95" />
03 </x_axis>

Live sample:

Live Sample:  zoom and scroll basics scatter

Date Time Axes

For Date Time axes you can also set start date and end date, but when you define a range you should specify what units are used:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <x_axis>
02   <zoom enabled="true" start="1095048000" visible_range="1" visible_range_unit="Year" />
03 </x_axis>

This is a sample of line chart with such settings:

Live Sample:  zoom and scroll basics datetime

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JS Control

Set Scroll State Methods

You can control zoom and scroll using setXZoom and setYZoom JS Functions from JS Library. These functions have the differ use depending on the type of chart and axis, see available options and samples below.

Categorized Charts

Range in XML

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <zoom enabled="true" start="Jan" visible_range="10" />

Range in JS

chart.setXZoom( {start:'Jan', range:'10'} );

Start End in XML

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <zoom enabled="true" start="Jan" end="Feb" />

Start End in JS

chart.setXZoom( {start:'Jan', end:'Feb'} );

Scatter Plot Charts with Number Axis

Start Range in XML

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <zoom enabled="true" start="1000" visible_range="100" />

Start Range in JS

chart.setXZoom( {start:'1000', range:'100'} );

Start End in XML

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <zoom enabled="true" start="1000" end="1100" />

Start End in JS

chart.setXZoom( {start:'1000', end:'1100'} );

Scatter Plot Charts with Date Time Axis

start range in XML

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <zoom enabled="true" start="1995/11/10" visible_range="10" visible_range_unit="Month" />

start range in js

chart.setXZoom( {start:'1995/11/10', range:'1', rangeUnit:'Year'} );

start end in XML

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <zoom enabled="true" start="1995/11/10" end="1996/11/10" />

start end in js

chart.setXZoom( {start:'1995/11/10', end:'1996/11/10'} );

Also there are three similar methods: setViewXZoom(viewName, settings), setViewYZoom(viewName, settings) and setViewZoom(viewName, settings) for setting zoom in views.

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Scroll To Methods

If you'd like to

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Get Scroll State Methods

To obtain the state of the scroll bar when needed you can use getXScrollInfo or getYScrollInfo methods. They provide you an access to an object with the following structure:

Field Value
Start Number
Range Number

Initiate these method when you need in order to obtain the info:

infoX = chart.getXScrollInfo();
infoY = chart.getYScrollInfo();

Also there are two similar methods: getViewXScrollInfo(viewName) and getViewYScrollInfo(viewName), that allow to get scroll states from dashboard views.

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Scroll State Events

To track the current state of scroll you shoud use XAxisScrollChange and/or YAxisScrollChange events, in these events you can obtain the standart scroll data and phase and process enums, which allow to define the source of scroll:

Field Possible Values
startValue Number
endValue Number
range Number
phase start
process plotDrag

Setting event handlers can be attached separately to Y and X axes and should be done like that:

chart.addEventListener("XAxisScrollChange", xAxisChange);
chart.addEventListener("YAxisScrollChange", yAxisChange);

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You can control zoom and scroll using AnyChart Actions. See Actions article for more.

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