<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="//cdn.anychart.com/js/7.4.0/anychart.min.js"></script> <style> html, body, #container { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="container"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> anychart.onDocumentReady(function() { //create data set on our data var dataSet = anychart.data.set([ ['January', 8.1, 2.3], ['February', 8.4, 2.1], ['March', 11.4, 3.9], ['April', 14.2, 5.5], ['May', 17.9, 8.7], ['June', 21.1, 11.7], ['July', 23.5, 13.9], ['August', 23.2, 13.7], ['September', 19.9, 11.4], ['October', 15.6, 8.4], ['November', 11.2, 4.9], ['December', 8.3, 2.7] ]); //map data for the first series, take x from the zero column and value from the first column of data set var data1 = dataSet.mapAs({x: [0], value: [1]}); //map data for the second series, take x from the zero column and value from the second column of data set var data2 = dataSet.mapAs({x: [0], value: [2]}); //create radar chart chart = anychart.radar(); //set container id for the chart chart.container('container'); //set chart title text settings chart.title().text('Average temperature in London'); //set chart yScale settings chart.yScale() .minimum(0) .maximumGap(0) .ticks().interval(5); //set axes labels settings chart.yAxis().labels().fontWeight('bold'); chart.xAxis().labels().padding(5); //set chart legend settings chart.legend() .align(anychart.enums.Align.TOP) .position(anychart.enums.Orientation.RIGHT) .itemsLayout(anychart.enums.Layout.VERTICAL) .enabled(true); //set chart margin settings chart.margin().bottom(40); //set chart var background = chart.background().enabled(true); background.fill(['rgb(255,255,255)', 'rgb(243,243,243)', 'rgb(255,255,255)'], 90); //create point data labels formation function var labelFormattingFunction = function() { return this.x + ': ' + this.value.toFixed(2) }; //create first series with mapped data var series1 = chart.area(data1).name('Day (max)'); //set fill and stroke settings series1.fill('rgb(38, 123, 182) .5').stroke('2 rgb(26, 85, 127)'); //set data markers settings series1.markers().fill('rgb(110, 178, 224)').size(3).enabled(true); //set hatch fill settings series1.hatchFill(acgraph.vector.HatchFill.HatchFillType.BACKWARD_DIAGONAL, '#fff .5', 2, 5); //set tooltip formatting settings series1.tooltip().contentFormatter(labelFormattingFunction); var series2 = chart.area(data2).name('Night (min)'); //set fill and stroke settings series2.fill('rgb(119, 145, 34) .5').stroke('2 rgb(89, 109, 25)'); //set data markers settings series2.markers().fill('rgb(194, 220, 108)').size(2).enabled(true); //set hatch fill settings series2.hatchFill(acgraph.vector.HatchFill.HatchFillType.BACKWARD_DIAGONAL, '#fff .5', 2, 5); //set tooltip formatting settings series2.tooltip().contentFormatter(labelFormattingFunction); //initiate chart drawing chart.draw(); }); </script> </body> </html>