<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="//cdn.anychart.com/js/7.4.0/anychart.min.js"></script> <style> html, body, #container { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="container"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> anychart.onDocumentReady(function() { //create data set on our data var dataSet = anychart.data.set([ [0, 14.582, -14.582], [2, 15.24, -15.24], [4, 16.169, -16.169], [6, 17.44, -17.44], [8, 19.101, -19.101], [10, 20.997, -20.997], [12, 21.462, -21.462], [14, 20.279, -20.279], [16, 18.077, -18.077], [18, 15.902, -15.902], [20, 14.157, -14.157], [22, 12.847, -12.847], [24, 11.761, -11.761], [26, 10.786, -10.786], [28, 9.955, -9.955], [30, 9.341, -9.341], [32, 8.935, -8.935], [34, 8.636, -8.636], [36, 8.323, -8.323], [38, 8.025, -8.025], [40, 7.843, -7.843], [42, 7.874, -7.874], [44, 7.985, -7.985], [46, 8.089, -8.089], [48, 8.163, -8.163], [50, 8.257, -8.257], [52, 8.455, -8.455], [54, 8.657, -8.657], [56, 8.84, -8.84], [58, 9.024, -9.024], [60, 9.238, -9.238], [62, 9.636, -9.636], [64, 10.072, -10.072], [66, 10.54, -10.54], [68, 11.04, -11.04], [70, 11.57, -11.57], [72, 12.369, -12.369], [74, 13.233, -13.233], [76, 14.035, -14.035], [78, 14.61, -14.61], [80, 14.885, -14.885], [82, 14.991, -14.991], [84, 14.788, -14.788], [86, 14.206, -14.206], [88, 13.393, -13.393], [90, 12.613, -12.613], [92, 11.921, -11.921], [94, 11.291, -11.291], [96, 10.624, -10.624], [98, 9.938, -9.938], [100, 9.394, -9.394], [102, 8.979, -8.979], [104, 8.728, -8.728], [106, 8.582, -8.582], [108, 8.515, -8.515], [110, 8.581, -8.581], [112, 8.502, -8.502], [114, 8.534, -8.534], [116, 8.656, -8.656], [118, 8.833, -8.833], [120, 9.034, -9.034], [122, 8.861, -8.861], [124, 8.657, -8.657], [126, 8.369, -8.369], [128, 7.982, -7.982], [130, 7.514, -7.514], [132, 7.173, -7.173], [134, 6.778, -6.778], [136, 6.339, -6.339], [138, 5.873, -5.873], [140, 5.402, -5.402], [142, 4.999, -4.999], [144, 4.597, -4.597], [146, 4.221, -4.221], [148, 3.876, -3.876], [150, 3.55, -3.55], [152, 3.266, -3.266], [154, 2.997, -2.997], [156, 2.745, -2.745], [158, 2.514, -2.514], [160, 2.299, -2.299], [162, 2.206, -2.206], [164, 2.111, -2.111], [166, 2.071, -2.071], [168, 2.075, -2.075], [170, 2.058, -2.058], [172, 2.11, -2.11], [174, 2.118, -2.118], [176, 2.131, -2.131], [178, 2.135, -2.135], [180, 2.073, -2.073], [182, 2.054, -2.054], [184, 1.976, -1.976], [186, 1.837, -1.837], [188, 1.64, -1.64], [190, 1.415, -1.415], [192, 1.223, -1.223], [194, 1.031, -1.031], [196, 0.793, -0.793], [198, 0.516, -0.516], [200, 0.281, -0.281], [202, 0.126, -0.126], [204, 0.027, -0.027], [206, 0.018, -0.018], [208, 0.099, -0.099], [210, 0.245, -0.245], [212, 0.551, -0.551], [214, 0.913, -0.913], [216, 1.321, -1.321], [218, 1.754, -1.754], [220, 2.184, -2.184], [222, 2.522, -2.522], [224, 2.83, -2.83], [226, 3.104, -3.104], [228, 3.311, -3.311], [230, 3.399, -3.399], [232, 3.403, -3.403], [234, 3.288, -3.288], [236, 3.128, -3.128], [238, 2.945, -2.945], [240, 2.697, -2.697], [242, 2.529, -2.529], [244, 2.321, -2.321], [246, 2.137, -2.137], [248, 1.99, -1.99], [250, 1.844, -1.844], [252, 1.787, -1.787], [254, 1.732, -1.732], [256, 1.747, -1.747], [258, 1.838, -1.838], [260, 1.945, -1.945], [262, 2.032, -2.032], [264, 2.15, -2.15], [266, 2.318, -2.318], [268, 2.534, -2.534], [270, 2.78, -2.78], [272, 3, -3], [274, 3.257, -3.257], [276, 3.564, -3.564], [278, 3.92, -3.92], [280, 4.304, -4.304], [282, 4.748, -4.748], [284, 5.221, -5.221], [286, 5.773, -5.773], [288, 6.401, -6.401], [290, 7.034, -7.034], [292, 7.649, -7.649], [294, 8.268, -8.268], [296, 8.737, -8.737], [298, 9.048, -9.048], [300, 9.369, -9.369], [302, 9.83, -9.83], [304, 10.348, -10.348], [306, 10.871, -10.871], [308, 11.409, -11.409], [310, 12.052, -12.052], [312, 12.984, -12.984], [314, 14.11, -14.11], [316, 15.32, -15.32], [318, 16.582, -16.582], [320, 18.017, -18.017], [322, 19.861, -19.861], [324, 22.274, -22.274], [326, 24.923, -24.923], [328, 26.94, -26.94], [330, 27.227, -27.227], [332, 25.166, -25.166], [334, 23.02, -23.02], [336, 21.075, -21.075], [338, 19.431, -19.431], [340, 18.164, -18.164], [342, 17.007, -17.007], [344, 16.099, -16.099], [346, 15.357, -15.357], [348, 14.742, -14.742], [350, 14.287, -14.287], [352, 13.93, -13.93], [354, 13.737, -13.737], [356, 13.783, -13.783], [358, 14.084, -14.084] ]); //map data for the first series, take x from the zero column and value from the first column of data set var seriesData_1 = dataSet.mapAs({x: [0], value: [1]}); //map data for the second series, take x from the zero column and value from the second column of data set var seriesData_2 = dataSet.mapAs({x: [0], value: [2]}); //create polar chart chart = anychart.polar(); //set container id for the chart chart.container('container'); //set chart yScale settings chart.yScale().stackMode(anychart.enums.ScaleStackMode.VALUE); chart.yScale().ticks().interval(10); //set chart xScale settings chart.xScale().maximum(360); chart.xScale().ticks().interval(15); //set xAxis labels settings chart.xAxis().labels() .textFormatter(function() { return this['value'] + '°' }); //disable chart title chart.title(false); //set chart legend settings chart.legend({ position: 'right', align: 'left', itemsLayout: 'vertical' }); //create first series with mapped data var series1 = chart.area(seriesData_1); series1.name('Series A'); series1.fill('rgb(29, 139, 209) .3').stroke('2 rgb(19, 93, 140)'); //create first series with mapped data var series2 = chart.area(seriesData_2); series1.name('Series B'); series2.fill('rgb(241, 104, 60) .3').stroke('2 rgb(164, 48, 11)'); //initiate chart drawing chart.draw(); }); </script> </body> </html>