<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="//cdn.anychart.com/js/7.4.0/anychart.min.js"></script> <style> html, body, #container { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="container"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> anychart.onDocumentReady(function() { // Create stage for all charts stage = anychart.graphics.create('container'); //create 3 palettes var palette_red = anychart.palettes.distinctColors(); palette_red.colors(['#c06a6a', '#d39797', '#e0b6b6']); //create palette based on green color (using anychart.color.lighten) var palette_green = anychart.palettes.distinctColors(); palette_green.colors(['#82c182', '#a8d4a8', '#c2e1c2']); //create palette based on green color (using anychart.color.lighten) var palette_orange = anychart.palettes.distinctColors(); palette_orange.colors(['#ffd382', '#ffe0a8', '#ffe9c2']); // Create bullet chart var chart_1 = anychart.bullet([{value: 6, fill: 'black'}, {value: 11, fill: 'brown'}]); // Set chart to render on stage chart_1.container(stage); // Set chart size and position settings chart_1.bounds(0, 0, '100%', '16.7%'); // Set chart layout chart_1.layout('horizontal'); // Disable axis chart_1.axis().enabled(false); // Create chart ranges chart_1.range().from(0).to(5); chart_1.range(1).from(5).to(10); chart_1.range(2).from(10).to(15); // Set chart to use palette chart_1.rangePalette(palette_red); // Disable chart title chart_1.title().enabled(false); // Initiate chart drawing chart_1.draw(); // Create second bullet chart var chart_2 = anychart.bullet([{value: 7, fill: 'black'}, {value: 11, fill: 'brown'}]); // Set chart to render on stage chart_2.container(stage); // Set chart size and position settings chart_2.bounds(0,'16.7%', '100%', '16.7%'); // Set chart layout chart_2.layout('horizontal'); // Disable axis chart_2.axis().enabled(false); // Create chart ranges chart_2.range().from(0).to(5); chart_2.range(1).from(5).to(10); chart_2.range(2).from(10).to(15); //set chart to use palette chart_2.rangePalette(palette_red); // Disable chart title chart_2.title().enabled(false); // Initiate chart drawing chart_2.draw(); // Create bullet chart var chart_3 = anychart.bullet([{value: 3, fill: 'black'}, {value: 11, fill: 'orange'}]); // Set chart to render on stage chart_3.container(stage); // Set chart size and position settings chart_3.bounds(0,'33.3%','100%','16.7%'); // Set chart layout chart_3.layout('horizontal'); // Disable axis chart_3.axis().enabled(false); // Create chart ranges chart_3.range().from(0).to(5); chart_3.range(1).from(5).to(10); chart_3.range(2).from(10).to(15); //set chart to use palette chart_3.rangePalette(palette_orange); // Disable chart title chart_3.title().enabled(false); // Initiate chart drawing chart_3.draw(); // Create bullet chart var chart_4 = anychart.bullet([{value: 9, fill: 'black'}, {value: 11, fill: 'orange'}]); // Set chart to render on stage chart_4.container(stage); // Set chart size and position settings chart_4.bounds(0,'50%', '100%','16.7%'); // Set chart layout chart_4.layout('horizontal'); // Disable axis chart_4.axis().enabled(false); // Create chart ranges chart_4.range().from(0).to(5); chart_4.range(1).from(5).to(10); chart_4.range(2).from(10).to(15); //set chart to use palette chart_4.rangePalette(palette_orange); // Disable chart title chart_4.title().enabled(false); // Initiate chart drawing chart_4.draw(); // Create bullet chart var chart_5 = anychart.bullet([{value: 2, fill: 'black'}, {value: 11, fill: 'green'}]); // Set chart to render on stage chart_5.container(stage); // Set chart size and position settings chart_5.bounds(0,'66.7%', '100%','16.7%'); // Set chart layout chart_5.layout('horizontal'); // Disable axis chart_5.axis().enabled(false); // Create chart ranges chart_5.range().from(0).to(5); chart_5.range(1).from(5).to(10); chart_5.range(2).from(10).to(15); //set chart to use palette chart_5.rangePalette(palette_green); // Disable chart title chart_5.title().enabled(false); // Initiate chart drawing chart_5.draw(); // Create bullet chart var chart_6 = anychart.bullet([{value: 13, fill: 'black'}, {value: 11, fill: 'green'}]); // Set chart to render on stage chart_6.container(stage); // Set chart size and position settings chart_6.bounds(0,'83.3%','100%','16.7%'); // Set chart layout chart_6.layout('horizontal'); // Disable axis chart_6.axis().enabled(false); // Create chart ranges chart_6.range().from(0).to(5); chart_6.range(1).from(5).to(10); chart_6.range(2).from(10).to(15); //set chart to use palette chart_6.rangePalette(palette_green); // Disable chart title chart_6.title().enabled(false); // Initiate chart drawing chart_6.draw(); }); </script> </body> </html>