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20 Year {%Name}{enabled:false}
21 {%SeriesName} - {%Value}{numDecimals:0}%
22 ]]></format>
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35           <text><![CDATA[Debt-To-Income Ratios 1986-2006]]></text>
36         </title>
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42             </labels>
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44               <text><![CDATA[Debt-To-Income Ratio]]></text>
45             </title>
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48                 <range minimum="20" maximum="28">
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52                   <label enabled="True" position="Near">
53                     <format><![CDATA[Below 28% - Buy! Buy! Buy!]]></format>
54                     <font bold="True" color="#393939" />
55                   </label>
56                 </range>
57                 <range minimum="28" maximum="38">
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62                     <font bold="true" color="#393939" />
63                     <format><![CDATA[
64 28%-38%
65 Marginally affordable with
66 fixed-rate mortgages.
67 ]]></format>
68                   </label>
69                 </range>
70                 <range minimum="38" maximum="48">
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75                     <font bold="true" color="#393939" />
76                     <format><![CDATA[
77 38%-48%
78 Not affordable with fixed.
79 Interest-only becomes common.
80 ]]></format>
81                   </label>
82                 </range>
83                 <range minimum="48" maximum="65">
84                   <fill color="#FFCCCB" opacity="0.7" />
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88                     <font bold="true" color="#393939" />
89                     <format><![CDATA[
90 48% or greater
91 Not affordable with fixed or interest only.
92 Negative amortization only option.
93 ]]></format>
94                   </label>
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96               </ranges>
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109         <series name="California">
110           <point name="1986" y="41" />
111           <point name="1987" y="37" />
112           <point name="1988" y="48" />
113           <point name="1989" y="53" />
114           <point name="1990" y="49" />
115           <point name="1991" y="49" />
116           <point name="1992" y="41" />
117           <point name="1993" y="39" />
118           <point name="1994" y="34" />
119           <point name="1995" y="38" />
120           <point name="1996" y="29" />
121           <point name="1997" y="33" />
122           <point name="1998" y="31" />
123           <point name="1999" y="31" />
124           <point name="2000" y="37" />
125           <point name="2001" y="35" />
126           <point name="2002" y="43" />
127           <point name="2003" y="43" />
128           <point name="2004" y="51" />
129           <point name="2005" y="56" />
130           <point name="2006" y="62" />
131         </series>
132         <series name="Orange County">
133           <point name="1986" y="36" />
134           <point name="1987" y="34" />
135           <point name="1988" y="47" />
136           <point name="1989" y="52" />
137           <point name="1990" y="49" />
138           <point name="1991" y="47" />
139           <point name="1992" y="39" />
140           <point name="1993" y="36" />
141           <point name="1994" y="31" />
142           <point name="1995" y="35" />
143           <point name="1996" y="28" />
144           <point name="1997" y="32" />
145           <point name="1998" y="33" />
146           <point name="1999" y="32" />
147           <point name="2000" y="40" />
148           <point name="2001" y="40" />
149           <point name="2002" y="48" />
150           <point name="2003" y="47" />
151           <point name="2004" y="47" />
152           <point name="2005" y="50" />
153           <point name="2006" y="56" />
154         </series>
155         <series name="Irvine">
156           <point name="1986" y="31" />
157           <point name="1987" y="29" />
158           <point name="1988" y="40" />
159           <point name="1989" y="45" />
160           <point name="1990" y="42" />
161           <point name="1991" y="40" />
162           <point name="1992" y="33" />
163           <point name="1993" y="31" />
164           <point name="1994" y="27" />
165           <point name="1995" y="30" />
166           <point name="1996" y="24" />
167           <point name="1997" y="27" />
168           <point name="1998" y="28" />
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170           <point name="2000" y="34" />
171           <point name="2001" y="34" />
172           <point name="2002" y="41" />
173           <point name="2003" y="40" />
174           <point name="2004" y="40" />
175           <point name="2005" y="43" />
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