AnyChart SWF Files Guide


AnyChart offers you several variants of SWF files used to render charts. The table below lists all SWF files shipped with AnyChart package and specifies what chart types each SWF can render.

Each file has almost the same basic features and the two things differs each file from each other: the chart types it can render and the size.

You can always choose an appropriate SWF and descrease the loading time of your web-pages when needed. And you can always choose file that contains more types if you need to create a complex dashboard or don't want to think what file to choose.

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SWFs shipped with the package

SWF File Name ~Size Chart types rendered
AnyChart.swf 348 kb All types
Chart.swf 244 kb Categorized and Scatter plots
Heatmap.swf 189 kb Heatmap plot only
Map.swf 179 kb Map plot only
Funnel.swf 152 kb Funnel plot only
Pie.swf 150 kb Pie and Doughnut plots
Gauge.swf 147 kb All Gauges
Treemap.swf 146 kb Treemap plot only

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Custom SWFs

If, for some reason, you need to obtain an swf that can render special chart type, or two of them, but in combination that can't be found in the package - feel free to contact us at: and ask for a custom swf, we wil do our best to help you.

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How one can use these swfs?

As described in the documents about chart embedding: Simple Chart, Simple Map, Simple Gauge you always should define what swf is used to render the chart. In samples we always use AnyChart.swf - all in one swf that can render any chart provided by AnyChart.

If you know for sure that you will use only selected chart type, for example Gauge, or Map - you can use custom SWF - Gauge.swf or Map.swf. You work with it just like you work with AnyChart.swf - just keep in mind that Map.swf nover would render charts or gauges. Here is an example of embedding Gauge.swf:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>AnyChart Sample Gauge</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/AnyChart.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    AnyChart.renderingType = anychart.RenderingType.FLASH_ONLY;    

    var chart = new AnyChart( './swf/Gauge.swf');
    chart.width = 600;
    chart.height = 450;


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