Scale Bar


Scale Bar

Scale Bar node adjusts whether Scale bar is enabled or not and controls its align, width and padding. Scale bar, in fact, is only a visual form of your scale. Therefore you can fully customize its visual appearance, fill, border of add some effects.

Typical XML settings for the scale bar are:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <scale_bar enabled="true" width="%AxisSize" align="Center" />

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Scale Bar Parameters

The following attributes can be set for scale bar:

Attribute Values Default Description
enabled true | false true Sets whether scale bar is enabled or not
align Inside | Outside | Center Center Adjusts the position of scale bar
padding Number Auto Sets the padding of scale bar
size Number Auto The size of scale bar

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Adjusting scale bar's visual appearance.

We will configure our scale bar: set its align to "Center", padding to "0":

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <scale_bar enabled="true" padding="0" align="Center" />

You can also set a color of your scale bar using fill, border, effects subnodes of scale_bar node. Let's enable border for our scale bar and color it using "Gradient" coloring mode:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <scale_bar enabled="true" padding="0" align="Center">
02   <border enabled="true" type="Solid" color="#D3D2CC" />
03   <fill enabled="true" type="Gradient">
04     <gradient angle="-90">
05       <key color="Green" opacity="0.7" />
06       <key color="Red" opacity="0.7" />
07     </gradient>
08   </fill>
09   <effects enabled="false" />
10 </scale_bar>


Live Sample:  Sample Linear Scale Bar Gauge

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