Effects Tutorial


For better visual appearance AnyChart allows to apply effects almost to all objects and texts on the chart. There are several types of effects available and they can be combined together. In this tutorial all effects attributes and settings are described.

Effects are configured using <effects> subnode of <font> node for texts, and for other elements - of appropriate nodes (<background> or <major_grid>, for example).

You can disable all effects applied setting <effects enabled="false"/>

Typical effects node looks like:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <effects enabled="true">
02   <drop_shadow enabled="true" color="White" distance="6" />
03   <bevel enabled="true" />
04 </effects>

Below all effects with their parameters are listed:

Drop Shadow

The DropShadow effect lets you add a drop shadow to display objects. The shadow algorithm is based on the same effect that the blur effect uses.

Attribute Description Type
enabled Sets whether effect is applied. Boolean
distance Sets shadow distance. Number
angle Sets shadow angle in decimal degrees. Degrees
color Sets shadow color. Color
opacity Sets shadow opacity. Ratio
blur_x Sets an amount of horizontal blur. Number
blur_y Sets an amount of vertical blur. Number
strength Sets shadow strength. Number


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The Bevel effect lets you add a bevel effect to display objects. A bevel effect gives objects such as flat columns or pies a three-dimensional look.

Attribute Description Type
enabled Sets whether effect is applied. Boolean
distance Sets bevel distance. Number
angle Sets bevel angle in decimal degrees. Degrees
color Sets bevel color. Color
blur_x Sets an amount of horizontal blur. Number
blur_y Sets an amount of vertical blur. Number
strength Sets bevel strength. Number
shadow_color Sets bevel shadow color. Color
shadow_opacity Sets bevel shadow opacity. Ratio


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The Glow effect lets you apply a glow effect to display objects.

Attribute Description Type
enabled Sets whether effect is applied. Boolean
color Sets glow color. Color
opacity Sets glow opacity. Ratio
blur_x Sets an amount of horizontal blur. Number
blur_y Sets an amount of vertical blur. Number
strength Sets glow strength. Number


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The Blur effect lets you apply a blur visual effect to a component. A Blur effect softens the details of an image.

Attribute Description Type
enabled Sets whether effect is applied. Boolean
blur_x Sets an amount of horizontal blur. Number
blur_y Sets an amount of vertical blur. Number


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Inner Shadow

The InnerShadow effect lets you add an inner shadow to display objects. The shadow algorithm is based on the same effect that the blur effect uses.

Attribute Description Type
enabled Sets whether effect is applied. Boolean
distance Sets shadow distance. Number
angle Sets shadow angle in decimal degrees. Degrees
color Sets shadow color. Color
opacity Sets shadow opacity. Ratio
blur_x Sets an amount of horizontal blur. Number
blur_y Sets an amount of vertical blur. Number
strength Sets shadow strength. Number


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Inner Glow

The InnerGlow effect lets you apply an inner glow effect to display objects.

Attribute Description Type
enabled Sets whether effect is applied. Boolean
color Sets glow color. Color
opacity Sets glow opacity. Ratio
blur_x Sets an amount of horizontal blur. Number
blur_y Sets an amount of vertical blur. Number
strength Sets glow strength. Number


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