Stacked Bar/Column Chart


Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a bar chart. Bar charts illustrate comparisons among individual items.

Stacked bar charts show the relationship of individual items to the whole. A stacked bar/column in 3-D chart displays the rectangles in 3-D format; it does not display the data in 3-D format.

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Chart Building

As stacked charts should show contribution of different components to the total, we will demonstrate them on an imaginable ACME FastFood, Corp. sales. Let's assume that it sells Ice Cream, Chocolate Bar and Coke all through the year.

So, we have three series of data - one series for each product, and we give proper names to each series:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <data>
02   <series name="Ice Cream">
03     <point name="Winter" y="12000" />
04     <point name="Spring" y="13000" />
05     <point name="Summer" y="25000" />
06     <point name="Autumn" y="16000" />
07   </series>
08   <series name="Chocolate Bars">
09     <point name="Winter" y="12000" />
10     <point name="Spring" y="12000" />
11     <point name="Summer" y="15000" />
12     <point name="Autumn" y="16000" />
13   </series>
14   <series name="Coke">
15     <point name="Winter" y="10000" />
16     <point name="Spring" y="17000" />
17     <point name="Summer" y="19000" />
18     <point name="Autumn" y="16000" />
19   </series>
20 </data>

Now we have to tell Y Axis to display these series in as stacked columns:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <axes>
02   <y_axis>
03     <scale mode="Stacked" />
04   </y_axis>
05 </axes>

Everything is ready, here is a sample stacked column chart:

Live Sample:  Sample Stacked Column Chart

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Stacked Bar Chart

Just change "plot_type" to "CategorizedHorizontal" and get your data displayed as a bar chart:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <chart plot_type="CategorizedHorizontal" />

Also, let's add tooltips and make them more informative, to that we will change their format:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <bar_series>
02   <tooltip_settings enabled="true">
03     <format><![CDATA[{%SeriesName} - {%Value}$ - {%YPercentOfCategory}{numDecimals:2}%]]></format>
04   </tooltip_settings>
05 </bar_series>

Here is a sample stacked bar chart:

Live Sample:  Sample Stacked Bar Chart

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3D Stacked Column Chart

One more quick feature demo - enabling 3D mode makes column chart three-dimensional:

XML Syntax
Plain code
01 <data_plot_settings enable_3d_mode="True" />

The sample of 3D Column chart at a glance:

Live Sample:  Sample 3D Stacked Column Chart

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