AnyChart Preloader SWF


Preloader swf is a special SWF file that makes loading AnyChart SWF more comfortable with a slow Internet Connection and provides some useful customization settings.

In this tutorial we will show how to use and configure the preloader.

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Using Preloader

The best way to implement the preloader is to utilize AnyChart(swf, preloader) constructor from AnyChart JavaScript Integration Library. The code in JS Script should look like that:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var chart = new AnyChart('./swf/AnyChart.swf', './swf/preloader.swf');
chart.width = 600;
chart.height = 300;
chart.messages = {
loadingConfig: "Custom loading config text...",
waitingForData: "Custom waiting for data text..."}

You can use preloader swf with simple HTML embedding like that:

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
width="600" height="300">
<param name="movie" value="swf/preloader.swf" />
<param name="flashvars"
value="XMLFile=data1.xml&swffile=./swf/AnyChart.swf&loadingConfig=Custom%20loading..." />
width="600" height="300">

Launch the preloader sample - it demonstrates both JS and HTML embedding - you can see the percents showing swf loading state (if you will place this sample on the web site and open a page with using slow Internet connection channel).

Download the sample sample: Preloader Sample.

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Preloader Features

You can customize text to show in preloader and while AnyChart initializes. You can configure the following texts:

(flashvar or messages object fields)

preloaderInit Text to be shown on preloader initialization (if preloader is used).
Default: ""
preloaderLoading Text to be shown while AnyChart is loading AnyChart.swf
Default: "Loading... "
init Text to be shown while AnyChart is initializing
Default: "Initializing..."
loadingConfig Text to be shown while AnyChart is loading config data.
Default: "Loading config..."
loadingResources Text to be shown while AnyChart is loading resources (images, etc.)
Default: "Loading resources..."
noData Text to be shown when AnyChart gets chart without data.
Default: "No Data"

Text to be shown when AnyChart gets no data source (neither config file nor config string is set to chart).
Default: "Waiting for data..."

loadingTemplates Text to be shown while AnyChart is loading chart templates
Default: ""Loading templates...""

To set your own initialization strings you can use AnyChart JavaScript Library properties or preloader and AnyChart SWF parameters.

In preloader sample we've set custom texts - messages are customized. You should use URL Encode if you want to use non-latin or non-alphanumeric symbols.

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